I was going to do a write-up on the recent WWE Elimination Chamber event and go through each match with some kind of semi-review, but it was all mostly average, and the big talking point is obviously the big heel turn.

Seeing John Cena flip the switch was cool, and I’m sure it was massively shocking to a massive proportion of the fanbase. But it’s been no secret that he’ll be taking this turn, something I believe was originally mapped out for The Rock before opting to go with the awful “Final Boss” angle.

There’s a logic to it from an entertainment value perspective, for sure. But John Cena, like Cody Rhodes seemed to be the eternal good guy and it kind of tarnishes his whole career if this is his swansong. I wonder how much he wanted to do it vs how much pressure there was to do it.

John Cena Promo Shot

The Final Boss and the eternal struggle

Before we can talk about Cena’s career, I think we should look at how he’s ended up in this position. John Cena has had a massive career. One I’ve not followed with any real attention, but on the outskirts with a vague interest, you know how big he was. As big as The Rock? Not quite, but it’s arguably the closest.

The Rock, or more specifically Dwayne Johnson, clearly has an ego to satiate, and actually, when you’ve gotten that big and done so much for the WWE. Why not take that sway and use it as you see fit?

This whole Final Boss angle is just shit, though. It isn’t really engaging, it feels shoe-horned in to get his face back into the action, and so far, the only stuff that’s comes from it is Cody Rhodes-focused.

My issue with this is that Cody Rhodes seems to have no other angles or stories. Just be the burdened hero/champion and face the big bad. It’s a classic, for sure. But it’s done to death, and the guy deserves something more interesting.

Sure, recovering from the John Cena turn and the build-up to Wrestlemania will be entertaining, but lets be honest. They could be doing new stories with new stars and getting the next generation Cena’s and Rock’s going.

John Cena and the The Final Boss

John Cena

I’d dropped off of wrestling by the time John Cena was making waves, but from what I’ve seen and what I know, he’s had an amazing career in and out of the ring. I really liked seeing him in Suicide Squad and his series after that. The dude seems decent in real life, and if he’s going around the circuit one last time in the WWE, he surely deserves a send-off.

The heel turn here is clever because it goes against everything that people believe he stands for, sure. But how does this end, really?

Either he goes out with a title as a heel, and then he’s remembered for that. Or there’s some double-agent shit going down and when it comes to it, he turns on The Rock and forsakes his last world title opportunity.

If I’m John Cena, I’m torn. You want the title to add to your CV, record-setting, etc. But do you really want to take it playing against everything you built up? So the alternative is to what not take the title and set a new record?

Come on, he deserves a better ending than that for all he’s done for the WWE, particularly during its less interesting years.

John Cena on the Mic

Time will tell

Hey, I’m no story writer, nor am I an expert in wrestling. I just have to call it like I see it, and I feel like John Cena could have had a better route through his final tour of the WWE.

There obviously opportunity for it to all pan-out much differently than I’ve predicated, and I hope that it does. For his sake and for the fans. I think the path right now looks ultimately disappointing, either to John Cena’s legacy or to those fans who have watched him since day one.

Also, let’s give Cody Rhodes something different to work with. Poor guy. He seems to have been put in his position by design and now has to be written into a box to keep him there. It’s weird and doesn’t feel natural. He’s an obvious talent and has been through plenty, but maybe there are more interesting things he could be doing, too?

I guess we can sit back, grab a coffee, and enjoy the ride.

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